audit family friendly university
By participating in the ‘Audit familiengerechte hochschule’ (Family-friendly university audit) certification programme, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin is making a sustainable commitment to increasing the compatibility between a career, studies, qualifications and family. This audit by the non-profit Hertie Foundation’s berufundfamilie gGmbH is designed to group, structure and raise awareness of existing measures, as well as to establish a lasting opportunity to evaluate the requirements and suitability of these measures.
The Family Support Centre coordinates and initiates the implementation of measures from the target agreement adopted every three years. This is supported by an advisory committee consisting of a presidential member, the head of the President’s Office, the chairman of the Commission for a Family-Friendly University (KFH), staff councils representatives, the Equal Opportunities Office and a representative of the Students’ Committee.
On 14/03/2013, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin was awarded family-friendly university certification for the second time. You will find the current target agreement on the German website.